KC Good Citizen

KC Good Citizen Scheme

The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme is the largest dog training scheme in the UK. Its aim is to promote responsible dog ownership and in turn, enhance our relationship with our pets and to make the community aware of the benefits associated with dog ownership.

I am a KC Good Citizen Dog Scheme approved A1 Examiner all levels. Examined Bronze test Crufts 2016

I am also a KC Accredited Instructor at Advanced level for this scheme.

The various levels at which you can gain a certificate are Puppy Foundation, Bronze, Silver and Gold. The Bronze, Silver and Gold awards are progressive ie. you must start at and attain the lowest level before moving on to the higher awards.

Puppy Foundation Level

The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme Puppy Foundation Assessment aims to provide a means of socialising puppies and to lay down a foundation for education and training.

On successful completion of the course puppies will respond to their handlers and the handlers will have an awareness of the responsibilities of dog ownership.The inclusion of play exercises adds an extra dimension to a dog’s life and can be used to make training fun. Constructive play and

suitable incentives are encouraged within this puppy training programme. Eligibilty is up to maximum age of 12 months. For more info click here to download.

Bronze Level

The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bronze Award aims to produce a dog that will walk and behave in a controlled manner on the lead, will stay in one position on command, will allow its owner to clean, groom and inspect it. The dog must also be able to be positioned by its handler for inspection i.e. stand, sit or lie down on either side or on its back, all on the lead. The dog must come to hand when called. The Bronze award aims to provide the handlers with a basic knowledge of understanding

and training their canine companion. For more info click here to download.

Silver Level

The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme Silver Award aims to build upon the skills learned in the Bronze Award whilst increasing the level of difficulty. The Silver Award is a natural progression of practical dog training skills and introduces new concepts such as the controlled greeting, road walk and vehicle control exercises which are important in everyday life situations. The Silver Award aims to provide handlers with a good knowledge of understanding and training their canine companion. For more info click here to download.

Gold Level

The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme Gold Award is the highest level of achievement of the Scheme. It builds upon the skills learnt in the Silver Award and develops more advance training skills of the dog and handler. The Gold Award is a natural progression of practical dog training skills and introduces new concepts such as relaxed isolation, stop the dog and send the dog to bed exercises, which are important in every day life situations. The Gold Award aims to provide handlers with a greater

knowledge and understanding of their canine companion. Dogs that are awarded a Gold Certificate should reach the required standards in all exercises and be a worthy representative of the Scheme’s highest standard. Where possible it is preferable that certain exercises are tested at indoor and outdoor locations.

For more info click here to download.
